Ready to Cancel Your Timeshare? Hamilton Law Group Can Help.

For nearly 20 years have helped—and continue to help—timeshare owners from across Canada, the United States and globally with their timeshare cancellation.    

Opting out of membership/timeshare contracts

We regularly see clients who have owned timeshares for years and wish to terminate their membership, as well as clients with a freshly signed contract. Timeshares can become a hardship for owners because the cost of maintenance fees rises annually, lifestyles and circumstances change over time. Extricating yourself from a timeshare membership contract is possible, regardless of how long you’ve had it. 

Our clients with newly signed contracts have told us some of the sales tactics deployed in order to facilitate a signature, and they’re left with an expensive impulse purchase after embarking on a vacation to relax and unwind. Vacationers are unlikely to be in the appropriate mindset to read a lengthy contract, especially after hours of sales presentations. We have been told from clients that timeshare presentations commonly run for 4-8 hours straight and that signing a contract can often be the only way to leave.

If you feel stuck in a new or old timeshare, we can help.

How we can help 

Legal matriarch Kellie Hamilton was the first to pioneer this niche practice and has been called upon by other lawyers (some as far as Australia) to offer her expertise. For nearly 20 years, Hamilton Law Group has been assisting clients worldwide extricate themselves from timeshare agreements. 

We can help clients across the globe, in addition to Canada and the US. We’ve been successful in helping clients undo their timeshare contracts and assisting other legal teams who lack the extensive experience in this field. If you’re looking to get out of a timeshare contract or have a client currently needing specialized assistance in this matter, call 604-229-2077 or email [email protected] today.